Help & Support

  • What is the customer support number of booketicket?

    You can contact to customer support of the booketicket at 1-780-522-5126. We are available 24*7.

  • What is the customer support email address of the booketicket?

    You can reach us at . anytime.

  • How can I receive refund on my flight booking?

    A part of the entire ticket price must be repaid if the airline's policies permit cancellations the day after booking and a refund is permitted. Depending on your bank's policies, the refund process typically takes 3 to 7 business days. Refunds might take longer than expected in some rare circumstances. Before canceling your flight, please review the "Terms and Conditions" published by the relevant airline.

  • How much time does it take for refund?

    Depending on your bank's policies, usually the refund process takes 3 to 7 business days. It can be possible that Refunds can take longer than expected in some circumstances. If there is a delay, you will receive a notification through email.

  • How can I rearrange my upcoming flights?

    On our website, under "Check My Booking," you may view your reservations. For the same, you can also contact or go to the airline's booking office.

  • Can I make reservations on booketicket for more than one destination?

    Yes, you can look at each destination separately on our website. Additionally, our booking managers are available to assist you.

  • Are there any flights that might land at a different airport?

    While you are buying your flight, the information regarding the airport at which your flight will land is always provided.

  • Can the terminal information be changed before the scheduled departure date?

    The airline may choose to launch or land an aircraft from a different terminal due to a technical issue or for any other reason. Any such adjustment would be far in advance disclosed to the passenger by the airline.

  • Is it possible to modify the name on my flight reservation?

    The name on the ticket must exactly match the name on the passenger's government-issued identity or passport for both domestic and international travel. If it is not correct then contact to airlines.

  • What steps must I follow to add a new passenger to my current booking?

    Kindly contact out booking team they will help you on it.

  • How much would it cost me to carry more than the allowed amount of baggage?

    To learn more about the additional fees for big or overweight bags, kindly contact the airlines directly.

  • How can I verify the details of my ticket purchase?

    The "Check My Bookings" section of our website allows you to view the specifics of your reservation. Check the confirmation email we sent to your email address as well.

  • Why my flight did has schedule?

    The airline may occasionally alter its flight schedule. Changes to the aircraft, the flight number, or the time of departure and/or arrival. The departure city, arrival city, travel date, or even the discontinuation of service to your destination city may vary. booketicket will try its utmost to let you know.

  • Is it possible to book a minor without an adult on booketicket?

    When flying an unaccompanied kid, every airline has a different set of regulations. To learn more contact our customer service department.

  • How can I purchase ticket for infant?

    If infant is less than 24 months then no need of flight tickets. If it is more than 2 years then you can do normal booking.

  • Why are the prices different now than they were before?

    The demand determines how much the airfares change over time. You will always see the lowest airfare we have at the time on our website.

  • How can I choose or modify my flight seats?

    Click the "My Booking" option on the homepage. To find your flight schedule, use your name or email address to enter your name and email address. A seat map will show up if there are seats available. Contact us for any help.

  • Can I hold a flight seats?

    Any airline is prohibited by the rules and regulations you to hold or block a reservation. Purchase right away because future changes in airfare are not guaranteed.

  • Prices are shown in which currency?

    The prices for every airline listed on our website are in US dollars.

  • Are there any airfare discounts available?

    You can speak with our booking managers to find out about the discounted airfare and secure the best airline offers.